Google Ads Pay Per Click (PPC)

How to See Your Google Ads Without Triggering an Impression

When searching Google is it possible to check your Google Ads are showing without triggering any impressions. You can do this by adding the following to the end of the google search URL:


Or by visiting the following URL to enable Google Ads test mode:

This allows you to browse without triggering impressions. Once you have completed your testing you can turn test mode off by adding the following to the end of the Google search URL.


Or by visiting the following URL:

You can also use the following parameters to test ads from different geographical locations, where “gr” equals the country code and “gcs” equals the location name or postcode.


Here are some examples of the URLs for different locations:

London, UK

Birmingham, UK

Postcode PO11AT (in Portsmouth, UK)

I hope this is helpful.

By Andy Corby

Hi, I'm Andy and I am a Digital Marketer and Full Stack Web Developer, with a BA (Honours) Business & Finance Degree (2:1) and 10+ Years Experience in Marketing and Development.

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