
Couponing in the UK

If you’ve seen the TV show “Extreme Couponing” then you might be thinking about giving it a go or you may just want to save some money. From my experience when couponing in the UK the savings are nothing like you see on the US TV show but there are definately savings to be made. Personally I’ve found the biggest saving comes from bulk buying products you know you’re going to use when they’re on offer, these savings add up over the year.

Here’s a list of websites where you can get UK coupons:

Here’s a list of in-store magazines that usually contain vouchers:

  • Tesco
  • Sainsbury’s
  • Boots

If you sign up for the reward/points/loyalty cards at the following, you can also receive vouchers by mail:

  • Tesco
  • Nectar
  • Boots

Finally, here are some additional sources for coupons:

  • The free Metro newspaper available on buses/trains
  • Flyers that come through the post
  • Sending birthday cards to companies
  • Sending positive emails/letters to companies about how their product has changed your life

I hope you’ve found this helpful and good luck with your UK couponing.

Get the Free UK Extreme Couponing Getting Started Guide:

By Andy Corby

Hi, I'm Andy and I am a Digital Marketer and Full Stack Web Developer, with a BA (Honours) Business & Finance Degree (2:1) and 10+ Years Experience in Marketing and Development.

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